Monday, November 18, 2013

2nd marking period

assignment #11: To start this i had to open the Photoshop file and i picked the background i wanted. i then began typing all the information that needed to be in the paper. i picked a picture and inserted it picked a color for the font.

assignment 12: to make this assignment i first opened a new file on photoshop. i looked for a dress picture online and for a pattern to apply on the dress. i opened the dress picture and applied the pattern on top. i adjusted the opacity and added a few effects.

assignment 13: the NYC FOOD BANK logo was used solely for education purpose. No copy right was intended. i opened a new file on Photoshop after looking for a junk food that i wanted to change. i chose lollipops and instead of actually eating candy  you would eat small tomatoes. the background was a gradient

Assignment 14: to make this assignment i started by opening a new photshop file. i lookde on the internet for a pumpkin picture. i opened the picture on the file and began to edit it. i drew on the pumpkin the way i wanted it to be decorated. i also applied many filters.

assignment 15a&b: to make this assignment i had to open a new photoshop file and insert a selfie. i picked the flag i wanted to apply to my face. once i applied it i began to erase anything blocking my hair.

 assignment 16: for assignment 16 i had to look online for a picture that represented transportation. i picked a taxi. i opened the picture on photshop and opened filter and applied blur. then i removed filter from the parts that were not suppose to be blurred.
 assignment 17: for this assignment i opened a picture on the photoshop and picked what i wanted to edit. i chose to make her eyes blue instead of brown.i clicked on the quick ask button to highlight what i wanted to change. this made it turn red then i chose the color for her eyes.
assignment 18: i opened the picture on photoshop and applied the blur fliter. i opened the brush picker and outlined the eyes so that it wasn't blurred. i then changed the opacity of the image.

assignment #19: For this assignment we had to make a flash drive. i started off by drawing a rectangle and applying a oval shaped. then i applied a gradient color to the flash drive. i made three rectangles and also applied a gradient color. these three squares made up the top part of the flash drive. then i added a rectangle shape with round corners and typed in the text.

assignment #20: For this assignment i had to make a phone. i started off by drawing a rectangle and rounding off the corners. i kept following the steps on the website and i began to add every small detail a phone would have. i added the numbers, letters, symbols, & arrows. to do this i had to change the font to wingding in order to get the symbols. then i began adding color to the phone.  i decided to add pink arrows to make the phone look nice & colorful.